Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Taking advantage of the situation in "Suburban", John Ciard utilizes both contextual comedy and the overarching theme of sacrifice to present an anecdote on the transcendence of rabblerousing. 

By conveying the humor of an imperffect relationship in "Naked Lunch", Michael Hollinger uses direct personification and cntroversial issues of lifestyles to show that all couples fight but each in their own special way.


  1. For the "Suburban" thesis, you should add a third adjective-device pair so that you will receive full credit. Also, at the beginning of the sentence, you should describe the situation at hand, don't just state that it is a situation.

  2. For "Naked Lunch", you're missing a device, so you should think of another one for your final product. The other two were chosen well. There were also a couple of grammar mistakes, but good job otherwise.

  3. I really like your universal idea for surburban, I didn't look at it like that.

  4. Great 'shift' for "Suburban"! I liked the devices you used too.

  5. Your devices are really good for both statements! You might just want to consider using a third one unless you can really support of them well in a real essay.
