Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Taking advantage of the situation in "Suburban", John Ciard utilizes both contextual comedy and the overarching theme of sacrifice to present an anecdote on the transcendence of rabblerousing. 

By conveying the humor of an imperffect relationship in "Naked Lunch", Michael Hollinger uses direct personification and cntroversial issues of lifestyles to show that all couples fight but each in their own special way.

Friday, February 10, 2012

That Awkward Moment 
Everyone has an awkward moment.  Comedians when their joke is not funny, a soldier who could not follow orders or a police officier who is trying to arrest someone when he dropped his handcuffs.  These things happen all the time and you quickly forget them, but no one forgets THE awkward moment of their lives.  That is teh type of embarassment that will be with you you're entire life.  My awkward moment happened over the summer when me and my friends were on a nroad trip down the East Coast.  After a few hours of driving, nature was calling for me but my freinds wanted to get some food as quick as possible.  So, they dropped me off and told me to go on the nearby fence and drove off towards their quest for food.  I went to teh fence, but instantly i wa feeling an intense amount of pain.  So much so that i was rolling on the ground back and forth.  Aparently, I was too stupid to notice the sign that said "Danger: Electrical Fence" and too ignorant to notice that what i was rolling in was poison ivy "exposed" as much as i was.  The awkward moment came for me not from teh action itself, but having to tell the story to my friends.  This goes to show that awkward moments can be embarassing, but can make a great story which is a lesson I think we should all learn.